
Monday, August 17, 2009

Great Deal- New Globe

I have been looking for a new globe for school. We have the Leaf Frog Jr. explorer globe and he has long since out grown it. I wanted to get the more advanced Leap Frog globe that show the actual states, countries, oceans, rivers, etc.

I have found the Odyssey globe for anywhere to $100 to $200. As much as I wanted another interactive globe for us to use, I was not going to spend that much money. I just happened to check Craigslist and I found one still in the box for $35.00! I am so happy, I love getting a good deal.

The globe is so neat it tells the countries, continents, states, distance, area, population, money, music, plus more. It also has games. We will have a great time with our new globe.

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