
Friday, January 8, 2010

Weekly Review - Back into the swing

This was our first week back doing school since going on holiday break around Thanksgiving. This week we mostly worked on getting back into a schedule and reviewing last semesters work. It was a good week, he has done really well, getting back into our regular schedule. I am sure promising to go to the adventure science center this weekend, had nothing to do with that:)

This week we reviewed the first 15 chapters of The Story of the World. He remembered more than I expected him to and we enjoyed rereading some of the stories. We picked right back up with our math practice workbooks, we are working our way through the extra practice book of Singapore 1A. We went over a few lessons in My First Language Lessons and worked on finding a noun in sentences as we read this week. For science we did a magnet experiment, learned about winter weather(of which we never saw the snow that we were supposed to get) and did a bit of research into how his heart is different than normal hearts.

Today we had fun working with our LEGO spelling set, using leapster games to practice math and reading.

He asked a lot of questions, as he does every day. I tried to remember so I could make a list of just some of the more interesting conversations we had this week.

1. Jesus how did he grow up
2. Jesus dying on the cross and how he got to heaven
3. Dentist - cavities
4. X-rays
5. What causes a gag reflex
6. Egyptians why did they believe in fake gods
7. Heart - healthy and how his is different (he as Tetralogy of Fallot)
8. Self defense - which lead to a talk about fighting
9. Atmospheric pressure - where does he learn this stuff!

I wonder how his mind works some days, it can be hard to keep up with how fast he changes topics. I am happy to answer his questions and I try to always tell him the truth on a level he can understand. But I would not mind if he would save some of these discussions for Dad.

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