
Monday, September 7, 2009

Muffin Tin Monday - Cheese Smorgasbord

Muffin Tin Monday at Her Cup Overfloweth

Today is Muffin Tin Monday. There was no theme for this week so we had a favorite. This is his all time favorite lunch, we call cheese and cracker smorgasbord. Basically it is cheese and crackers and what ever else I can come up to serve with it. He loves this lunch, sometimes he wants me to make it and sometimes, he comes up with his own concoctions. It makes a super quick meal.

Today we had:
Babybel cheese
Laughing cow cheese (loves to spread this on apple slices)
Cheddar slices
Apple Slices
Ritz crackers


  1. Yum! I love your tin liners! I need to get some of those.

  2. Yummy! I like the snack idea to this tin since my two year old doesn't eat anything except for dairy products and cookies lately! I will have to try this.
